On-Demand Professional Development

Learn at Your Own Pace!

Join our world-class clinicians and educators as they offer sessions on recruitment and retention strategies. Watch your program grow and thrive as you focus on the future! Perfect for School District PD with district pricing available.

Do you need to register a group, get a quote for your district or pay with a purchase order? Please email [email protected] for further assistance. Otherwise, click the link below to register - we can't wait to welcome you to The Music Educator Master Class!
Student working on computer

Course Details

7+ Hours of Instruction to Support You!

 Corey Graves

 Robert Herrings

Engage and Inspire: Recruiting and Retaining Students in Your Programs!

In a world where students have many choices, inspiring students to participate in your programs can feel overwhelming. Graves and Herrings will share strategies to help you feel confident in your ability to motivate, educate and retain your students in your classroom! 

 Wendy Higdon

Have Your Best Beginning Band Recruitment Ever!

In this session, explore the ins and outs of a successful beginning band recruitment process. Topics to be covered include: Organizing and Streamlining your Process; Recruiting the Student, Parent, and Administration; Free Tools and Resources to Save Time and Increase Your Impact; and Tips for Successful Instrument Fittings. 

 Dr. Myra Rhoden

 Savannah Cole

Same Band, New Building: Retention from Middle to High School

Positively affect retention from middle to high school by understanding the impact of your current practices, considering your students’ motivating factors, and promoting feeder pattern collaboration. Help students and parents understand that it is one band program that happens to occupy two buildings. 

 Tim Lautzenheiser

 Richard L. Saucedo

A Culture of Excellence: The Foundation for Successful Artistry

We all seek the highest level of music-learning and music-making for our students; it is the basis of recruitment and retention. Achieving this goal requires the awareness of every aspect of the program, from the physical state-of-the-environment to the cooperative-supportive attitude that permeates the climate. Richard Saucedo and Tim Lautzenheiser discuss this often “missing" piece of the puzzle.  

 Chris Grifa

 Gretta Pote

If you Build it, They Will Come: Effectively Marketing your Music Program

Effectively marketing your music program is essential to building and maintaining success. Any successful marketing campaign begins with a solid plan and a strong connection to your target audience. In this session, we will discuss ways to build these connections with students, families, administration, and the community through purposeful planning, brand creation, and audience identification. These strategies will be shared to engage both incoming and current students. 

 Jarrett Lipman

Recruitment and Retention: Keeping Students from Middle School Band All the Way Through High School Graduation

A clinic that explores strategies to keep kids in band through their time in middle school and high school. Finding a way to make band a home for everyone and providing different opportunities will keep kids engaged. High School Directors spending time at the Middle Schools can hook kids early. Allowing kids to participate in other activities outside of band and finding compromise will encourage kids to stay in music longer. 

 Cameron Jenkins

ReFUEL: Moving from Burnout to Recharged

How do we recover from the last two (2) years? How to reach more students? How do we keep the students we have? How do we go the distance for our program? In this interactive session, Cameron W. Jenkins will unpack the power of filling up your tanks in order to be the best music educator for yourself, your students, your school, and your community. Together - we will discover the seven (7) steps to properly ReFUEL your tanks and keep them FULL. 

 Elisa Janson Jones

 Lisa Tatum

Your Tech Toolbox for Recruitment and Retention

Keeping students active and engaged in learning is key to keeping them in your program. The good news is this tech-savvy generation can be connected in a variety of ways, throughout the school year and into the summer. You don’t need every tech tool out there, but there are some that you shouldn’t live without. This session will share with you some of your fellow music educators’ favorite options for keeping students engaged in and out of the classroom, and will include some top tools for recruitment for next year, too. 


  • Can I purchase for a group of people?

    Absolutely! Please contact [email protected] for more information and to register your group.

  • Can I pay using a purchase order?

    Of course! It's a super easy process. Please email [email protected] to get started.

  • How long do I have to complete this course?

    You have a full year from the date of purchase to access ALL course materials. You can complete the course at your own pace and revisit any materials you wish during this time.