Conn Selmer Student Leadership Community
In March of 2021 Conn Selmer's Division of Education launched our Student Leadership Community. Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser, Frank Troyka, and Dr. Matthew Arau hosted 14 monthly sessions specifically for student leaders. Each 45-minute, content-rich, nuts-and-bolts student leadership session was designed to coincide with the events that typically happen at those points in the year. While the Student Leadership Community is no longer active, you can still explore the archives and use them with your student leaders today!

Servant Leadership Association for Music
Presented by GIA Publications, Inc. and Conn Selmer, Inc.
The Servant Leadership Association for Music (SLAM) is a community of music teachers aspiring to serve their peers by elevating their own teaching and leadership skills in the pursuit of a program-wide culture of excellence centered on the synergy between authentic music making and a foundation of social-emotional health, trust, modeling, and service.
What makes SLAM different from other entities is that it’s about the music educator, first – not a student leadership curriculum. SLAM addresses the needs of the music educator, to exponentially affect their students musically and personally. We’re in the music business and the people business and we don’t have to choose one over the other. Our job, as music educators, is to get our students to fall in love with music and music making, while championing student success by helping them be the best versions of themselves. SLAM’s mission is the SYNERGY between music making and creating a culture of excellence, where students feel loved and accepted.

Conn Selmer Institute 2023
Join us June 11-14
Conn Selmer Institute (CSI) is a three and a half day professional development conference for college students, directors, and music program leaders. Our world-class faculty leads a curriculum with specialized tracks focusing on college students, new music educators, middle school directors, high school directors including marching arts, and music administrators. We love the traditions and personal connections made in-person at Bethel University, and are thrilled with the success of the virtual option to attend as well - the best of both worlds!

Learn More about Servant Leadership Association for Music
from Tim Lautzenheiser